Sam's 2nd brain

Atlas project - part two

OK, so we have our docker image, and we are storing it in the Docker repository. Now what. Well we want to create some cloud infrastructure, so we can deploy our game, but we will be using Terrafor...

Atlas Project - part one

Often in tech it is hard to see the wood through the trees and stringing what you know and learned together can be difficult. So here is my mini project to learn more about GitHub actions Terraform...

Creating a Storage Gateway in AWS

So what is a Storge Gateway? A Storage Gateway it just a way to connect AWS storage in a traditional way e.g. NFS, SMB etc. Lets build one with Terraform A fully working envriment with a Stora...

CloudWatch Monitor EC2 Linux services and set alarms

Prerequisite The Amazon CloudWatch agent is installed You have set up a IAM Role for the CloudWatch agent Set up a service to monitor At the moment CloudWatch does not monitor se...

Create a systemd service to monitor Cloudwatch agent

The problem to solve If you are monitoring an AWS instance that is busy and has other programs accessing the same logs as the Cloudwatch agent then you may run into this error in the agents logs “...

Expanding EBS root volume

Expand the root volume. Then, extend the file system using the Amazon EC2 console (new console) From the Amazon EC2 console, choose Instances from the navigation pane. Select the ...

Vagrant and testing Ansible playbooks

Download Vagrant You are best going to to the main site BUT Debian curl -fsSL https://apt.releases.hashicorp.com/gpg | sudo apt-key add - sudo apt-add-repository "deb [arch=amd64] https://apt.rel...

Spining up Uptime Kuma

For a person who comes from a world of Zabbix and Nagios, Uptime Kuma is wicked, a light weight monitoring tool that gets out of your way to do basics, ie HTTP(S), TCP Ports, DNS & SQL. Lets sp...

Create a bind server with Ubuntu

Install Bind This guide assumes you are using Ubuntu 20.04 and have already install and setup the server. Install the require packages: sudo apt-get install bind9 bind9utils bind9-doc If you a...

Converting with ffmpeg

Convert mp4 to mkv ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -codec copy output.mkv Tip: To convert all MP4 files in the current directory, run a simple loop in terminal: for i in *.mp4; do ffmpeg -i "$i" -c...