Sam's 2nd brain

Build a snipe-it server on Ubuntu

Install and set up LAMP Stack\ Update Ubuntu Update your server with: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -d Install Apache sudo apt install apache2 -y Enable Apache2 to run on sys...

Using Fail2Ban

Install and enable fail2ban sudo systemctl start fail2ban sudo systemctl enable fail2ban Edit the jails sudo vim /etc/fail2ban/jail.local Restart fail2ban sudo systemctl restart fail2ban Ch...

Build a iboard server

Install apache2. sudo apt install apache2 Install make. sudo apt install make Download the iboard repo. git clone https://github.com/Harrison-S1/iboard.git Move into the iboard dir and ins...

RDP to Debian

Install xrdp. sudo apt install xrdp Now make sure to automatically start the service at the system startup. systemctl enable xrdp Then make sure that the service is running. systemctl status...

Setting up Nessus Pro

Build your server Download the package for your server. https://www.tenable.com/downloads/nessus For this example a Ubuntu server is being used. Copy the package to your service and for Ub...

How to Enable Process Accounting in Ubuntu

Acct will log user process If you Enable process accounting in your system, it will help you to keep track of your user processes. It is very useful for System administrators for keeping log of you...

Backup & restore MYSQL MariaDB databases

Backing up mysqldump --add-drop-table --databases mydatabase_db > /home/wiki/db/$(/bin/date +\\%Y-\\%m-\\%d).sql.bak mysqldump is the backup tool Read More add-drop-table removes one or ...

Resize Ubuntu disk on VMware

Add more storage to the drive in Vmware and reboot the server. SSH into the server once back up, OR use the console. /sda being the disk name/ ;abel given by the system. Note the space be...

Ansible creating a inventory list

Create a inventory.yml file in your users ansible file vim inventory.yml And use the layout below. All yaml files start with — all: – All server will be in this group. children: –Is sayi...

Ansible adding a new servers

Copying SSH-key On your new server, create the management user. Password for this user is in Keepass. Once done, log into the management server as the management user. You need to copy over the ss...